Saturday, May 7, 2016

Technology ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

During class we have been given a subject to study. We have been given three options, they are:
  1. Lost in the bush
  2. Save the bush
  3. Fun in the bush
 I have chosen 2. Save the bush because I Know that we need to protect NZ's Bush. We are doing this because we are learning as children to keep NZ Beautiful, so that when become adults we will have a wonderful world to live in! The teachers asked us to write down some questions on pieces of paper. Once we completed that we all chose a question as our topic. My question is this: 
What can we do to stop littering in the bush?  
Next our group teacher asked us to create an invention to solve our problem. Our success criteria was:
  1.  To make sure it was safe for the bush 
  2. Your invention only caught the thing it needed to catch
  3. It didn't hurt any plants
  4. It made sense 
After we discussed our question with the teacher we planned it out in our planning book. Our plan had to have a diagram of our invention and a name. My inventions name is the bin-o-matic. Here is my plan that I created
My amazing plan! 
Once we presented our plan to the teacher and they said it was good to go we were allowed to create a prototype of our invention, BUT before we we're allowed to do that we had to create a diagram of all the materials we we're going to make it out of. My diagram contains all of the materials I need. Here is a photo of my diagram!
My diagram of all the materials I will need!

Next I presented my plan to the teacher she asked me what happens inside me bin? I replied saying
"Inside my bin there are 4 compartments, 1 for paper, 1 for cardboard, 1 for plastic, and 1 for glass" She liked my idea and said I was allowed to start creating! 

One thing that challenged me in my invention was figuring out how to make my inside compartments because I take the bottom off of my bin and then cut out my compartments and then glue bottom back on again.

Once I had glued everything on my invention came to life! Here is a video and some photos of my invention:

My inside compartments of my bin

My bin!

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! What a clever girl you are Charlotte. Well done and hopefully an insightful and forward thinking entrepreneur makes it a reality.
