Monday, October 24, 2016

Artifact for PBL ( ゚ヮ゚)

Recently in class, my teachers have encouraged us to create an artifact based on our learning topic we have chosen. We were given the choice of something we would like to researched and then we were placed into groups. As you may or may not know, my group was researching the Ancient Olympics. We were first asked to research about the topic by putting it into notes and then we had to create a report. Finally we were asked to create an artifact. My artifact is a small diagram of what the Ancient Olympics looked like when it was in action (over 1000 years ago!) My Artifact is a 3D Model I have made sure everything looks real and not flat. Something that challenged me was trying to make sure everything stayed together and everything was 3D because it was very hard to glue everything together with only me, but I managed to get it done.   Here are some photos of my artifact:

My Whole artifact.

 In this photo there is: The temple of Zeus (White building) Mount Olympus (Red Mountain) and the Prynaterion (Orange and white building)   

The temple of Zeus with the statue of Zeus inside

The river and The hippodrome

The learning muscles I used in this project are my:
1.  My Independence muscle because I gathered all my things that I needed for my project and then began to work on it independently.  
2.  My Planning muscle because I planned out everything I created, From my report to my project everything was planned. 
And 3. My perseverance muscle because I persevered when my learning was tough by getting some of my friends to help me complete it. I also pulled myself out of the learning pit when I couldn't complete my work so I just changed my mindset and got on with it. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Olympics 。◕‿◕。

Recently in class we are learning all about the Olympics. Our teachers have asked us to choose an athlete to study. First we had to search the Rio website and pick our athlete (Mine is Nicky Samuels). Next we were asked to create a report. We had to explore websites and write down all our notes we had collected from the sites. Here is a photo of my notes:

After we had completed that we were asked to present our information in some way. Using our notes as a guide, I made a slide about our athlete! Here is my slide:

Something that challenged me was writing down all the notes, because I'm just used to seeing it on the website and writing it in my own words.
The learning muscle I was stretching was my revising muscle because I had to make sure I was organising my information into sub-headings. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Matariki workshops (◕‿◕✿)

In school we are learning all about the Matariki Moari New Year. In celebration to the New Year and the culture, we decided to create workshops, and we were given options. Before we started our workshops we were asked, if we wanted to, to create mural of the school for the workshop. I created one and it was all about our spring and how it feeds into our school river. If our art got chosen it would get hung up in front of the school forever! I was delighted when I realized that mine got chosen! Here is a photo of it when it was painted!
My amazing art painted by another class
My art was painted by a different class, however I chose mural art as my workshop so we painted a different mural. Here are some photo's of me and my peers painting our mural:
Me and my classmate Beau painting the mural

Me and our mural art group all painting the mural together
Something that challenged me was being very careful and staying inside the lines when I needed to paint our trees.
The learning muscle I stretched was my noticing muscle because I noticed when my painting was outside the lines and I needed to fix it up.
Matariki was really enjoyable for me and it was very exciting when my design was painted!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Old tired dog 。◕‿‿◕。

In class we are learning how to summaries about books we read. Our reading group teacher asked us to create a summary of a very emotional book named old tired dog. Our success criteria was:
1. make the viewer feel as emotional as we did
2. make it believable
3. enjoy it!
I really think my group achieved all our success criteria!
Something that challenged me was trying really hard not to smile because I had to act like I was sad
The learning muscles I used in this video were:
1. My persevering muscle because I had connecting with the book and I realized how the characters were feeling
2. My connecting muscle because I made a strong connection with the book
3. My collaborating muscle because I collaborated with my peers

Here is my video!:

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Acting wrting

In Totara Whanau we are learning to do procedural writing. My success criteria was:
1. Hook the reader in with a great introduction
2. Start all steps with a verb (You can't use the same verb more then twice)
3. Over-exaggerate the steps
4. Make sure the steps are in the right order
Something that challenged me was starting all of my sentences with a verb because my brain had to really think about it.
I am very proud of my piece because I feel I worked really hard to make it awesome!
Here is my piece:

How to Act on stage!
Acting! Isn’t that a funny word? Acting is my passion, my dream, my… Life. Although acting may seem heart thumping, it’s actually an exquisite art and the feeling of being on stage and doing it, is just amazing! Do you have trouble with acting or are too scared to do it? Look no further for I have the instructions!

What you need:
  • Time (This may take a while)
  • Yourself
  • A can do! attitude
  • Face your fears! Gradually take long deep breaths, visualize the crowd cheering your name, just imagine life slowing down.
  • Concentrate on your character, you have to make your character believable, if you believe you are that person the audience will believe you are the character.
  • Adapt to changes, you may have to pretend that there is a character interacting with you when there really isn’t (Eg: Tinkerbell from Peter Pan).
  • Exercise the muscles in your face! Do all expressions possible (Happy, sad, angry, crazy, distureb, scared etc)  we do this so our muscles are prepared for what we are about to do
  • Increase the volume of your voice! Be loud and proud!
Enjoy the rush of excitement you get as you explain your story!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Creating Ice cream ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

In Totara Whanau we have started a new task which is science, in science we learn all about different substances, new things about the topic we have chosen, and many more. There were three groups we got to choose from, they were:
1. Bread
2. Mould
3. Milk
I selected milk because I wanted learn more about milk. In milk we are learning about chemical changes, we are doing this because when we get older, we know what a chemical substance is, and we know the difference between all of the liquids, gasses and solids. Also in science we are doing lots of experiments, one of the experiments we did was.... CREATING ICE CREAM! Once we had created our ice cream (And gobbled it all up!) we were asked to create instructions on how to make it, so that we could share our scrumptious recipe with others. In our writing, our challenge was to put verbs at the beginning of all our sentences and hook the reader in with a great introduction,  Here is my piece:

Do you slurp down milk with your breakfast? Do you enjoy gobbling it down? I know I sure do! Milk is really entertaining to do experiments with and it creates many scrumptious things such as…. ICE CREAM!! Speaking of ice cream, Today I will teach you how to make your own homemade vanilla ice cream!

Ingredients                            Equipment:            
  • 30g sugar                                              > Small ziplock bag             
  • ½ Cup of milk                                         > large ziplock bag                                               
  • ½ a bag of crushed ice                       > Empty ice cream container
  • 2 cups of salt                                        > 1 measuring cup                                            
  • ¼ of a cap of Vanilla essence   

How to make your own freezer!
  1. Unzip your large ziplock bag and scoop ½ a bag of crushed ice inside    
  2. Pour 2 cups of salt inside the large bag with the ice (the reason we do this is to make a more bleak freezer)
  3. Secure the large ziplock bag shut and rapidly shake it.
  4. Set inside empty ice cream container.
How to make vanilla ice cream!:
  1. Grab the small ziplock bag and gradually tip ½ a cup of milk inside
  2. Tip in 30g sugar and ¼ of a cap of vanilla essence
  3. Place small bag inside larger bag of ice and violently shake until liquid becomes solid (Gradually the liquid will get harder and harder, but make sure that it is not to hard before you eat it).
  4. Remove small bag from larger bag, unzip and watch in utter delight as your taste buds burst slightly in your overwhelmed mouth!

IMG_0232.JPG IMG_0245.JPG

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mothers day Poem And I am Poem \ (•◡•) /

Recently In room 2, 3, 4 we we're working on a poem to describe how we feel and to describe us. My poem is all about my thought a feeling's towards others and myself. Here is my I am poem:

I am individual, I am Unique
I wonder if others feel the way I feel for them?   
I hear the sweet melody of songs as they explain to me their story  
I see clouds and visualize a whole new world, a whole new life
I want others to know they glister just the way they are
I am individual, I am Unique  
I pretend I am something I’m not
I feel youthful and free  
I touch the fearless hearts of others  
I worry I am nonexistent   
I cry at the thought that others feel they are worthless... so they hurt themselves  
I am individual, I am unique
I understand I can’t change others
I say my thoughts and beliefs
I dream of creativity, light, love and abundance  
I try to reach for the gleaming stars
I hope one day I make a difference in this wonderful world  
I am Individual, I am Unique.

Something that challenged me was trying to explain all the things about me in words because it was hard to decide which words fit it best

I have learnt to use adjectives in my poem, we have talked about adjectives to know what an adjective is and why we use it in our posts.

Also since  mothers day is here I have made a little song for my wonderful mum. My younger sister and I will be singing the parts to our awesome mum! Here is our song.

Yo Bubba, Yo bubba, What are we going to do? We haven’t made a present for mummy, to give to

Oh no! What a pitty, that sounds really bad, we don’t want to upset her or make her really sad!

Wait Bubba, Wait Bubba, I have an idea, lets do it quickly and hop into pairs

I like that idea, I said I like that idea, but what about we make a song, to show we really care